One Kickstarter to rule them all
There hasn't been an awful lot to be excited about these past couple years in the nerd sphere, with delays and cancellations seemingly everywhere. A single Kickstarter came along, (the most successful of all time) and blossomed a small glimmer of light and excitement in an otherwise dark and boring time period. During the lockdowns, Brandon Sanderson took advantage of the extra time he now found himself with and wrote four secret novels that he announced spectacularly on his YouTube channel. Brandon decided to use the Kickstarter platform to raise enough money to self publish these novels in-house through Dragonsteel Entertainment.
While this isn't anything new, beautiful leather bound special editions have been released through Dragonsteel before, true; I personally don't think the team was prepared to begin shipping books AND a monthly subscription style box to the most successful Kickstarter ever, but who ever truly plans to be the best. Nevertheless, I have total faith in Sanderson and the people he surrounds himself with. I truly want to thank the entire team for their hard work and cannot wait to get my books and boxes throughout 2023. As each new box arrives I will update the information below.

Monthly Box List
January Box - Hoid Crate
February Box - Tress of the Emerald Sea - Secret Project #1
March Box - Cytoverse Crate
April Box - The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England - Secret Project #2 - Announcement and 6 chapter sample.
May Box - Mistborn Crate
June Box - Elantris and Emperor's Soul Crate
July Box - Yumi and the Nightmare Painter - Secret Project #3 - Announcement and 7 chapter sample.
August Box - Cosmere Crate
September Box - Warbreaker Crate
October Box - The Sunlit Man - Secret Project #4 - Announcement and 10 chapter sample.
November Box - Stormlight Crate
December Box - Sanderson Fan Crate
Secret Project #1 - Tress of the Emerald Sea

Review | Announcement & Sample Chapter | Buy
January's Box - Hoid
